
Ray Bradbury 's Fahrenheit 451

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Have you ever stopped to wonder how modern technology has shaped our society, and where it will lead our future of ‘social’ interaction? Have you ever been sitting and listening to the news, when you hear a new story on yet another book being banned for some petty reason, such as ‘protection of children’s innocence’ or ‘offensive content’? Have you thought about where such things will take us and our changing, evolving definition of socializing? If you belong with those who contemplate things, who turn things over in their minds, who don’t allow themselves to use ignorance as a shield from difficult, complex thinking, you may have answered ‘yes’. Knowledge, wisdom, and logical reasoning are important to today’s society, but unfortunately, …show more content…

Oh, to scratch that itch, eh? Well, Montag, take my word for it, I’ve had to read a few in my time, to know what I was about, and the books say nothing! Nothing you can teach or believe. … You come away lost.’” (Bradbury 59) He explains that the words in books do not seem to be of any value, and that reading them gives the reader not a speck of insight into any aspect of life. In this society, his words ring true for almost everyone, except those who managed to learn before the schools shut down and those who yearned to understand what books say. Furthermore, Beatty’s attempts to force Montag into the mold of this society pushes the man to search for wisdom in the depths of literature. Beatty spurs Montag to delve into the world of literature. He dares the man to defy him in an almost mocking tone — such as here: “We’d certainly miss you if you didn’t show.” (60) Here he implies that if Montag does not show up to burn his book, it will not be good news for him. Beatty is a strict man always following and enforcing the rules, seldom deviating from them, and is a man of his word. He knows Montag is hiding something, which he intuitively guesses is a book, and he promises indirectly that he will be back to burn down the man’s house if he does not bring it in within twenty-four hours. Afraid of losing his one chance of learning, he frantically vows to try to memorize a part of the Bible he stole from the woman who committed suicide. The mere suggestion of the fire captain

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