
Ray Bradbury 's Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

Shall one remove the sack placed so cruelly upon one’s head by the crooks one calls society? Revealing the truths that were hidden far away in the corner of the world, Ray Bradbury wrote Fahrenheit 451 as a way to open the eyes of the reader, allowing them to understand a dystopia of hidden truths. Placed in futuristic times, the world in which Guy Montag lives is grim, in the eyes of an onlooker. From the eyes of Guy Montag however, nothing was wrong. He has the job that he loves, a wife to come home to every night, everything is safe, or in other words, peaceful. Or is it? Such is the path they walk, hidden from truth and they have no reason to suspect that what they know is anything but. Montag is in several cases blind. Yet, the book does not solely revolve around Guy Montag and his quest for an unknown happiness, but of others. His wife Mildred and her friends, the citizens of the town in which they live, Montags’ fire chief Beatty. Happiness is hidden from all of them, yet it is not hidden by a specific antagonist more so hidden from them self. They are their own antagonist, each one hiding things from the world in which they would be condemned to certain death. In a unique conversation between Montag and Clarisse, she proposes one single question to him. “’Are you happy?’” to which she left him thinking “Of course I’m happy. What does she think? I’m not?” Thus the seed that would fuel the ever dormant volcano was planted. Stated earlier, Montag had everything he

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