
Raymond Chandler's 'The Long Goodbye'

Good Essays

The Long Goodbye “All I myself can do is urge you to place friendship above every other human concern that can be imagined! Nothing else in the whole world is so completely in harmony with our nature… real friendship is more powerful than kinship; for the latter may exist without goodwill, whereas friendship can do no such thing” (Cicero, Laelius De Amicitia). This expresses the importance of friendship and the uniqueness is brings into our lives. Friendship is something that his author claims we need to cherish more than anything else in the world. Further along, we learn that friendship cannot exist without certain goodness from people involved. This is apparent when in his explanation of friendship he states, “I am inclined to regard …show more content…

Instead of revolving around romance and love like most stories, The Long Goodbye focuses on a mysterious but special friendship between Detective Philip Marlowe and Terry Lennox. With the iconic character Philip Marlowe, one would not expect he to be the kind of man that needs friendship, but this story just goes to show that friendship is desired by all people. We see how important it is to him throughout the novel and the film with his loyalty to Terry Lenox, but in the film his pet cat is symbolic for friendship as …show more content…

Marlowe’s reaction is a clear indication that he felt betrayed by his friend. It relates back to the quote that says without goodness friendship cannot exist. In the friendship between Terry and Marlowe, Terry did not bring any goodness into the friendship. He left his friend Marlowe to believe he was dead when in actuality he was alive and well. The friendship could then no longer exist. Marlowe is as loyal as a dog to Terry from the beginning to the end of the story. Though Marlowe is the main character, the plot revolves around Terry Lennox because of Marlowe’s loyalty to him. We see Marlowe go through the novel fixated on figuring out the truth about what happened to Terry and his wife. In the end, Marlowe was disappointed to learn that Terry abandoned their friendship. The novel and film of The Long Goodbye are much different, though they both do the job of capturing this unique story about friendship. Though the ending seems brutal in the film, it is representing a burden being lifted off Marlowe’s shoulders. After killing his fake dead friend, music is played and Marlowe happily walks along the dirt road waving and dancing to people passing by. This could represent the light at the end of the tunnel. Marlowe can finally stop fixating about Terry, and he was rid of the negative neglected friendship that he

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