
Rebecca Nurse Quotes From The Crucible

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A strong Christian Women, who is a logical and charitable person has been accused for witchcraft. This woman is Rebecca Nurse. A wife and a mother of eleven kids and a grandmother of twenty six kids. Throughout the crucible she shows little change to her character. She is known to be a strong christian woman who is a logical and charitable person. THis person relates to myself by the traits she exerts throughout the play. Rebecca Nurse and I are religious people who follow the rules of our faiths, are charitable throughout our actions and logical through our thoughts. Rebecca Nurse and I are both commonly religious people in that we follow the rules of our faith. Rebecca Nurse shows to be a very catholic woman throughout the play. Even in the end she dies to keep her faith pure. ¨Let you fear nothing! Another judgement waits us all!¨ (Rebecca …show more content…

Rebecca Nurse is know around the town of Salem and even in the neighboring town of Beverley for being a very charitable person. ¨It's strange how I knew you, but I suppose you look as such a good soul should. We have all heard of your great charities in Beverly.¨ (Reverend Hale Act I pg 20). This quote shows how the people of Salem even knew of her charitable deeds as a person. This is significant because it reveals how charitable she really is by even having the public know of her deeds. This trait of charitability is a common one between the both of us. This is proven by myself due to the hours put into food banks over the summer and a member in Spanish National Honor Society and Interact Club. Both of these extracurricular activities involve charity work. An example would be going to elementary schools to help teach younger kids spanish or the basics of such and helping the less fortunate around the area. These works are only performed by someone who is charitable. Therefore Rebecca Nurse and I are both charitable

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