
Recognition And Tragedy In Oedipus Rex, By Sophocles

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An ancient Greek Philosopher as well as a Scientist named Aristotle was the teacher of Alexander the Great and a student of Plato. Aristotle defines tragedy as imitations of life consist of action with a serious lesson to convey and purges emotions into the audience which leads to catharsis of these emotions. “Oedipus Rex” written by Sophocles is an Athenian tragedy which practically fulfills the Aristotelian theory of a tragedy. Oedipus, the King of Thebes is a noble man with great personality whose life is controlled by the ill-fate he is born along with the tragic flaw that is excessive pride and confidence that he can make his life best, but cannot overcome the ill-fate and boundlessly struggles. The tragedy “Oedipus Rex” viewed through …show more content…

Firstly reversal is the situation in which the unexpected action occurs which is not following the law of probability and possibility. Recognition and reversal occurs parallel to each other every time that is when there is reversal in the ongoing plot, recognition is the realization of the Hero which expound the previous events and is a resolution to the play. Reversal and recognition evokes the emotion of fear and pity in the mind of the audience thus, leading to catharsis which is releases the emotional tension cleansing one’s mind. “Thus in the Oedipus, the messenger comes to cheer Oedipus and free him from his alarms about mother, but by revealing who he is, he produces the opposite effect.” The audiences develop the emotions of pity and fear towards the tragic hero Oedipus as the suspicion of King Laius’s murder fall on Oedipus which creates terror to the time when it is confirmed that Oedipus had done the sin of ignorance/immorality by murdering ones father and marrying ones mother. Therefore, this reversal of fate in the hero’s life fills the mind of the audience with sympathy and fears that at last during the catastrophe Oedipus pokes out his eyes which leads to the liberation of emotional tension giving pleasure to the audience. ‘Deus ex Machina’ is a literary technique which means “god out of a machine.” This technique is not used in between the play, but can be used at the beginning as a report or at the end. Deus ex machina can be found in the character of Tiresias, the blind old man who reveals the true identity of

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