
Reconstruction Dbq

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Reconstruction was a period of time in the United States that made history immediately towards the Ccivil Wwar. A lack of political focus on the effort failed to solve the sectional wounds and elimination of the freed slaves’ newly gained civil liberties failed to bring about long-term racial integration. In order for the slaves to have gotten social and economic equality, the North would have had to have focused strongly on pushing for black equality. In other words it was a social failure because it spawned segregation in the south that we still have today. It failed economically because Reconstruction sent the former slaves back into the fields to the sharecroppers, which drove them into debt and made them become slaves again. I believe the Reconstruction was a failure because of politically, socially, and economic reasons. During the Reconstruction political issues were a major part of it because it had a lot of violence. (Document G) shows that Abraham Colby was beat by the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK had beaten Colby savagely in 1869 in attempt to end his political activities as a Radical Republican, after earlier effort to bribe the black legislature had failed. Many southerners reacted violently to the …show more content…

(Document A) “ the slaves went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved back again toward slavery.” Basically that states that slaves got their freedom taken away from them. However, any resolution of the status of former slaves had to be resolved within the context of American federalism because until that time citizenship was defined and protected by state law. (Document F) states how John states how John W Stephens, state senator from caswell is dead. He had a surprised death as soon as he had walked into a room of eight white men and one negro, he was told he must renounce his Republican principles. Stephens was then told that he must die and as the rules went, his death

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