
Reconstruction : North And South

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Chapter 17 - Reconstruction: North and South America after the Civil War The War 's Aftermath the fate of the former Confederacy, newly freed slaves, and the reforming US were all hot topics post war Development in the North the civil war was a social revolution in many ways; allowing great social and political reform and a flow of thoughts that were usually tided Morrill Tariff - doubled the average import duties National Banking Act - created a uniform system of banking and kanknote currency to help finance the war Subsidies for transcontinental railroad - Congress decided the rail would take the north-central route and donated public land and sold bonds to finance it Homestead Act of 1862 - Congress provides federal homesteads of 160 acres to settlers in exchange for their occupying the land for 5 years to gain title Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862 - gave each state 30,000 acres of federal land per member of congress of the state Devastation in the South Property destroyed in the wake of the war, mostly due to Sherman, leaving huge amounts of property destroyed or worthless Confederate currency and bonds worthless; railroads damaged and destroyed Loss of $4 billion that had been invested in labor—the slaves Problems of postwar agriculture as the various crops struggled to wriggle their way out from infancy once more, leaving all production lacking A Transformed South with so much of their previous infrastructure gone, their workers and their families

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