
Redemption In The Kite Runner

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The Kite Runner is a novel written by Khaled Hosseini with a theme based on redemption. Redemption is an act of redeeming or atoning for a fault or mistake, or the state of being redeemed. As humans we are all bound to make mistakes at some point in our lives. Throughout The Kite Runner the main character Amir struggles to find forgiveness for his acts of wrongdoings. Growing up Amir always has the weight of feeling guilty to carry on his shoulders. Unfortunately as Amir tries to run away from his guilt and problems he does not redeem himself. In the first place, Amir is looking for compassion and first displays this need when Hassan is raped. “I watched Hassan get raped, ‘I said to no one… A part of me was hoping someone would wake up …show more content…

“...I took a couple of the envelopes of cash from the pile of gifts and my watch, and tiptoed out… I lifted Hassan`s mattress and planted my watch and a handful of Afghani bills under it… I knocked on Baba’s door and told what I hoped to be would be the last in a long line of shameful lies” (Hosseini. 104) In doing this Amir commits the sin of betrayal. Amir thought the only good way to get rid of Hassan was to make it look like Hassan has committed a sin and stolen Amir`s property. Ali and Hassan cannot stay in Baba's house anymore with the thought that Hassan had stolen something from his master, so they decided to leave. Amir think this is the road to a new …show more content…

He so desperately wants to get rid of his burden. Amir comes up with an idea to get Hassan to throw pomegranates at him to give him the punishment he knows he deserves. “‘Hit me back!’ I spat. ‘Hit me back goddamn you!’ I wished he would. I wished he’d give me the punishment I craved, so maybe I’d finally sleep at night. Maybe then things could return to how they used to be between us” (Hosseini. 92). Amir’s sleeping is disturbed at night, he so desperately needs to be punished for his sin, so that Hassan and Him can be friends again. Amir came to the realization that Hassan is not going to give him any punishment and there is nothing he can do about it. Due to the war going on in Afghanistan Baba and Amir move to America, in doing that it is a way they can start their lives

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