
Reflection Of Luke 1

Decent Essays

Luke 1: This Gospel opens with a greeting. Luke is writing to Theophilus, a fellow follower of Christ, as confirmation that the things Theophilus is being taught are real and true. In the notes underneath the text, my Bible also states that this introduction is among the finest Greek which goes to show the intellect that Luke possesses as a physician and writer. Furthermore, a theme displayed within this first chapter is God’s desire to use the weak to make His kingdom known. For example, God chose the humble family of a priest to bring forth John the Baptist, who would go on to proclaim the message of God in many places. In addition to Zechariah and his wife, God chose to use the Virgin Mary, a woman destined to marry a carpenter, who courageously accepted God’s call without hesitation. I think this is why so many Pharisees and Sadducees neglected Christ’s proclamations of being the Messiah. They were expecting some glorious king to liberate them from the Romans, but when He came as a humble man who came to set them free from unearthly hardships they became upset. On a more comical note, one thing that I found intriguing is when Gabriel appeared to both Zechariah and Mary they were a little scared, and rightfully so; however, Gabriel seems to act as if they see stuff like this all the time and just says “Do not be afraid.” I believe that it would be quite odd if they were not afraid. Another point I saw was the importance of a fetus. In verses 39 through 45 it describes

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