
Reflection Of The Work

Decent Essays

In The Work: Searching for a Life That Matters, Wes Moore shares his inspirational journey in discovering his path to purpose by not only living a prosperous life, but a meaningful one. In addition to sharing the profound measures taken to learn his life’s worth through valor and service, Moore shares acts of humanitarianism taken by family members and entrepreneurs, contributing to his success. Leaving his mark on society, Moore effectively delivers a moral lesson: mankind is inevitably intertwined and uniting valuable teachings from all walks of life creates an individual’s path to triumph. Nonetheless, living a life of meaning involves existing for more than yourself, creating the freedom to pursue happiness, success and truly live. Prior to reading The Work, I read Moore’s first book, The Other Wes Moore, of in which I consider an intriguing follow up of the first. Moreover, both Dr. Skye Paine lecture introducing passion as one of the key concepts of the book, meeting and shortly conversing with Moore at the diversity conference simply solidified and confirmed my ideologies of him and his message. His humbly vibrant, inquisitive and welcoming character made both his story and persona open, illuminating and pertinent. In reading The Work, I agreed with his creeds and did not gain a new understanding, but the reassurance of my understanding. Dr. Skye Pain touched on something that is a vital component in life, passion. Passion is essential and prominent in all that I

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