
Reflection On Social Work

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Initially, my view of social work was that the most impactful pillar of our work maintained dedication toward social justice. That was cultivated more specifically into what Heidemann, G., Fertig, R., Jansson, B., & Kim, H. (2011) stated “Social workers are mandated, through the profession's Code of Ethics, to challenge social injustice and pursue social change with and on behalf of vulnerable and oppressed individuals and groups of people” ( 37). Initially this seemed like an overwhelming undertaking, one that put me in a malaise because, where could I have impact that was impactful. Of the multiple levels of practice from which a social worker can focus, I was determined to make my mainstay on the micro level. Working with individuals and families impacted by oppression, the aim would be getting them to a better place in life or rather trying to improve their quality of life, as they defined and that seemed attainable. Selfishly, I believed the work would reward me a more rapidly with a sense of accomplishment that came from a short-term plan and goals. My interpretation of social work was supremely flawed, the scope of what was needed, to my embarrassment, was one dimensional.
People are not simply singular, we are composed of complex layers that are occasionally in unison or conversely dealing with conflicting identities. Furthermore,” intersectionality ‘starts with our multiple, layered identities being derived from social relations, history, and the operation of

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