
Reflection Paper On Fine Arts

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For my second fine arts lesson deconstruction paper, I observed an hour long art class instructed by Laura Calder at Goldfish Elementary School. This took place Friday October 13th from 9:55-10:55. There were around 25 1st grade students divided between 3 separate classes. To say the least, I was very excited to observe an art class because I have always been known for my love of arts and crafts. In Ms. Calder’s lesson, she followed the Illinois Art Standards Initiative Standards including The learning objective for this lesson was to For her pre-instruction, the evidence that Ms. Calder had that shows what her students can already do is knowledge of previous assignments that include the same steps student’s will be taking in this lesson. During instruction, in order for students to demonstrate achievement of the learning objective with guidance, she walked around the classroom making sure each student was caught up with the scarecrow making process and if not, she knew they needed additional guidance. For post-assessment, students with a complete and correctly attached scarecrow at the end of class will have shown Ms. Calder achievement of the learning objective. To continue, Mrs. Calder’s lesson plan mandated students to have materials such as scissors, a bag of scarecrow materials, glue, and sketchpads. Mrs. Calder needed a final copy example of the scarecrow, extra scarecrow parts, and a music player with a CD. Academic language includes students knowing or learning

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