
Reflective Essay About Myself

Decent Essays

Walking into my fifth grade classroom for the millionth time, I searched around the room to see if there was anyone like me. A girl with chocolate skin. For as long as I can remember, I was the only one in my grade, ever since I started school. But this did not mean I did not have friends. Caterina and I were best friends that year. She was from Venezuela, had white olive skin with long blonde hair, and light eyes. One school day, when we were walking to P.E., she said to me “I like your hair because it stays in place.” A little taken back, I was not sure if this a compliment or not, but I said thank you anyway. Her comment had stayed with me for the rest of the day. I began to wonder why my hair grew the way it did and if I could change it. This was, thus the beginning of my insecurities. Going to school every few months with a different hairstyle would raise a few questions for my classmates. Different styles,such as, box braids and marley twists, would change my attitude because I no longer looked the way I felt most of the time, ugly. But because I knew my look was only temporary, I did my best not to draw attention to myself. As I advanced grades, I always hoped there would be someone like me. Not necessarily student. After fifth grade, I figured I might as well conquer eighth grade alone. It would at least be nice to have a teacher to talk to about when I get angry about each day instead of keeping everything bottled up. A person “... to vent [my] frustrations,

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