
Reflective Essay On Physical Therapy

Decent Essays

I was referred from the Children’s Hospital outpatient physical therapy, where I was the only one not in diapers, to the Lakeshore Foundation for people with lifelong disabilities, where I was somehow still the only one not in diapers. I showed up for my first day of aquatic physical therapy wearing a new bikini that somehow managed to stay on my emaciated frame , but as I entered the pool it became clear that I had apparently missed the memo that we all had to roll up to the function donning the latest in Victorian-era geriatric swimwear fit for a cloister. I quickly figured out that I was not exactly their target demographic or typical patient. This was followed by the even more brutal realization that I was on the same blood pressure and arthritis medications as all the grandpas moving at a speed of 1 step per minute on the treadmills next to me. I was left wondering where all the cool young people with arthritis hang out, because clearly it wasn’t there. I know I’m joking around about this, but being a teenager with disabling illness is a painfully isolating experience. I used to think I was invincible. I wish that that were true. But the reality is that it as you descend into complex medical blackhole, life moves on without you. While your peers are creating relationships and gaining their independence, yours is being stripped away leaving you dispossessed and quite frankly, angry. I have missed out on a lot. I never learned how to drive a car, or ride a bike, I

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