
Reign Of Terror Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The French Revolution was a period of fairness fight from 1789 to 1799.It was carried forword by Napoleon during the latter expenension of the French Empire.Mid-eighteenth century France was divided into three states.The first one was called the clergy's,the second one was called the nobles and the third stage was everyone else.The first and second states were very powerful because they did not need to pay tax,they were monopoly of offices and they had more power to do a lot more stuff,and the third state supported the clergy and the monarchs.The attack on the Tuiliaries Palace interfierd a lot France,in lots of diferent types of thing.One very bloody period during the French revolution was the Reign of Terror wich by the way killed a lot of people.A very important guy that was Napoleon made Frence loose very bad things,and help Frence grow.
The Tuileries Palace happened in 1792,the government of France found itself in a very difficult situation.During the war,the Austrian army and Prussian Allies advanced into French territoy.Th economic was still growing very slowly,and the King was widely viewed as a traitor for trying to escape of the country.The attack of the Tuilieres happened on August 10,and about twenty thousand people attacked the

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