
Religion In Public Schools

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Based on the religious scenario given in class, the principal is a mid-year hire in a high school situated in what appears to be a predominantly Christian, conservative community. Several facts have come to light regarding equal access and religious activities and actions occurring in the school. First the principal observed the English teacher, Mr. Wrighteous, prominently displaying the Bible on his desk. The teacher also incorporated and promoted religious teachings in a class lesson. He offered a Bible as a reward for good work. This same teacher leads a weekly Bible study and prayer group at school. Another issue has been brought to the principal’s attention, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has inquired about other religious …show more content…

Finally, a student asked permission to form a Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) club at school. The school has a history of allowing clubs to start mid-year. Each of these issues will be addressed as follows. First the principal needs to discuss with Mr. Wrighteous the activities in the classroom regarding promoting religious beliefs. The teacher needs to be reminded that by incorporating religion in his lessons, displaying the Bible prominently on his desk, and giving Bibles to students, he is in violation of the law and a lawsuit can be filed against him. The first amendment prohibits the advancement of religion in public schools through the Establishment Clause. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” (U.S. Const. amend. I). Although students may express their beliefs about religion in homework and other assignments, the teacher may not teach or promote religion. Repeatedly the courts ruled in favor of those who spoke out against incorporating religion in schools. In 1971, the case of Lemon vs. Kurtzman developed a three pronged test to determine if a violation has occurred, 1. There must be a secular purpose, 2. There must not be the advancement nor the …show more content…

The Equal Access Act of 1984 agreed that public secondary schools may allow non-curricular clubs to meet during non-instructional time during the school day. The courts stipulated that the meeting is voluntary and student led, school employees do not sponsor nor participate in the gathering but are in attendance only in a supervisory role. In light of the current situation, Mr. Wrighteous will be advised to have the students lead the morning prayer group. If this is not feasible, then he will need to find another school employee to act as the supervisor for the club. The Equal Access Act also supports allowing the LGBT group to form. The student will need to submit the appropriate paperwork to the Board of Education for approval. In White County High School P.R.I.D.E. vs. White County School District the court ruled in favor of the students to form the LGBT club despite the Board of Education’s refusal of the

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