
Religious Allegory In John Steinbeck's The Grapes Of Wrath

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John Steinbeck’s, The Grapes of Wrath has been hailed as one of America’s most influential and controversial novels. In fact, it still resides on the banned book list. Written in a time of great despair and hardship throughout America, the novel serves as a political and social commentary on the time period. However, the most prominent and symbolic aspects of the book are religious. Specifically, symbols of Christianity and important events from the Bible. Throughout the novel, there are different events that allude to religious stories such as the Exodus from Egypt and the sending of Moses down the Nile. Many of the characters show allusions to biblical characters such as Moses, John the Baptist, Noah, Mary, and Jesus Christ. The religious allegories are very prominent in the novel through the exodus and journey to the promised land, the title of the novel, and the character as their biblical counterparts. All of these things and more make the religious allegories the most prominent symbols within The Grapes of Wrath. "Somepin's happening. I went up an' I looked, an' the houses us all empty, an' the land is empty, an' this whole country is empty." (Steinbeck 94). This quotes from the novel exemplify the emptiness of the land and the fact that everyone is either choosing or being forced to move on. The Joads are been forced from their home and their land with really no other place to go. Therefore, they have no other choice but to pack up and leave their entire life

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