
Renewable Power Generation Can Help Countries Meet Their Sustainable Development Goals

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Renewable power generation can help countries meet their sustainable development goals through provision of access to clean, secure, reliable and affordable energy. Renewable energy has gone mainstream, accounting for the majority of capacity additions in power generation today. Tens of gigawatts of wind, hydropower and solar photovoltaic capacity are installed worldwide every year in a renewable energy market that is worth more than a hundred billion USD annually. Other renewable power technology markets are also emerging. Recent years have seen dramatic reductions in renewable energy technologies’ costs as a result of research and development (R&D) and accelerated deployment.
The development of wind …show more content…

In 2015, Egypt added 200 MW of new wind power, bringing the country’s total wind capacity to 810 MW. Egypt’s wind farms are located in three regions along the Red Sea coast: the biggest one is the 545 megawatt Zafar Ana wind farm consisting of 700 turbines; the 200 MW Gabal El Zayet wind farm was inaugurated in November 2015, and consists of 134 turbines; and the 5 MW Hurghada wind farm. By the end of 2015 South Africa had over 500 wind turbines producing a total of 1GW (Fried, et al., 2015).
By the end of 2015 the number of countries with more than 1,000 MW installed capacity was 26: including 17 in Europe; 4 in Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan & Australia); 3 in North America (Canada, Mexico, US), 1 in Latin America (Brazil) and 1 in Africa (South Africa). By the end of the same year eight countries had more than 10,000 MW of installed capacity including China (145,362 MW), the US (74,471 MW), Germany (44,947 MW), India (25,088 MW), Spain (23,025 MW), UK (13,603 MW), Canada (11,205 MW), and France (10,358 MW) (Fried, et al., 2015).

Zimbabwe has a low average annual wind speed of 3 m/s. Midlands has considerably higher wind speeds than the rest of the country, between 3m/s and 6m/s. This speed can be considered low for power generation (Hove, et al., 2014). The designs of industrial wind turbines on the market today work at wind speeds that are above the midlands average. Current turbine designs are not well suited for such

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