
Renter Insurance Essay

Satisfactory Essays

How You Can Save Your Renters Insurance Deductible Without Breaking the Bank
It's common knowledge that you can reduce the cost of your monthly renters insurance premiums by opting for a larger deductible. However, both a $500 and $1,000 premium may seem like too much money when it comes to renters insurance. Fortunately, there are many ways you can save for $1,000 quickly and take advantage of reduced cost renters insurance, including using the following strategies.
Stop Eating Out Temporarily
Dave Ramsey, a financial guru and radio host, is a staunch advocate of getting out of debt. One of the steps he encourages his listeners to do is save $1,000 in a month. You can use the same measures he suggests to his listeners, which includes eating …show more content…

You can sell items on eBay and Craigslist from the comfort of your home. If you price your items reasonably, you'll attract the attention of many people. You can sell old clothes, electronics, and knickknacks that are collecting dust around your home. With each item you sell, you are closer to saving your $1,000.
Cancel Your Subscriptions
If you are like many people, you have a lot of subscriptions. You have a subscription for your television service, magazines, a gym, and a host of other things. Although each subscription is small, if you add all of them up for a month you can easily save hundreds of dollars. To save your deductible quickly, consider cancelling your subscriptions and purchasing the items as needed.
Adjust Your Withholdings
Each year millions of Americans get a refund from the IRS. Although it's great to receive a check, you could have done more with that money throughout the year if your withholdings were accurate. A tax refund is essentially Uncle Sam refunding you for an overpayment. You can talk to a tax professional to determine what your withholdings should be to avoid a refund. With a higher paycheck, you can put more money towards your renters insurance

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