
Renting Vs Inflation

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Renting a house may seem to be a cheaper method of residing, but have you wondered whether it is profitable in the long run? Maybe buying a house seems like a much bigger financial commitment than the monthly rent, but which suits you better? In this article we will talk about the benefits of buying a house as opposed to renting one.

Capital Appreciation

The simple fact is that with time the value of real estate increases. A simple explanation is that the cost of land does not reduce. As free land keeps on reducing with the increase in population, the land available for construction is reducing at a rapid rate. With this trend, land is becoming an important investment and will soon become more expensive as the days go by. So selling a piece …show more content…

There are various economical and political reasons, which play a role in the rise of inflation but it all comes down to the decrease of money's purchasing power. It means that tomorrow you will have to pay more money than how much you pay for an item now. Therefore, rent keeps on increasing with the passage of time, as the value of real estate keeps on increasing.

Interest Payments and …show more content…

However, a small part of the amount even goes towards the principal amount. This increases the equity that you have. The more payments you make, the quicker your equity begins to grow. You can see that halfway through the repayment of the interest, the amount for the principal begins to increase and you are closer towards completely owning the home.

Financial Gains

Financial gains, or capital gains, are quite related to capital appreciation but they are not the same. Capital gains include the increase in the value of money. This is in many ways a cause of inflation. If you bought a property now, then the price of same property will be much more after thirty years when you plan to sell it. However, due to inflation over the thirty years, the amount that you spend now would be worth more in future. This also provides you with profit at the time of selling.


When you are living in a rented home, there are many rules and regulations that have to be followed according to the landlord. An agreement is many times signed which limits your privacy. The landlord can any time come to inspect the premises or may not allow you to keep pets. If you want to live life according to your rules, then purchasing your own home will allow you to do

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