
Repetition, Characterization, And Foreshadowing In The Handmaid's Tale

Decent Essays

One of the many sad aspects of The Handmaid’s Tale is that the women who are subjected to abuse and discrimination soon comply with the roles that have been assigned to them, permitting abuse and exploitation against and amongst themselves. Atwood is not particularly hopeful about women as a means of changing the conditions in which they are living in this society. Even Offred’s eventual escape from the perverted system is more of a luck luck thing than determined will. Paying particular attention to the ending of the novel, this essay will argue that the author wants to call the reader’s attention to the problems that women suffer, but that she offers no solution or hope for change. I will be addressing three different literary devices in this essay; Repetition, Characterization, and Foreshadowing. I hope you enjoy. In The Handmaid's tale, Margaret Atwood uses repetition in her writing to emphasize meaning. For example, on page 72, it says, "Her fault, her fault, her fault, we chant in unison." This event occurs when the handmaids are in “testifying” and Janine is telling the story of how she was Gang raped at the age of 14 and had an abortion. Aunt Helena is humiliating her by making the other handmaids chant things like, “She did,” or, “crybaby,” as well as other things on this page. Repetition is one of the literary devices that Margaret atwood uses in her writing. Another literary device used by Atwood The Handmaid's Tale is characterization. Characterization is how

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