
Report : Pakistan And Bank Limited ( Hbl ) Pakistan

Better Essays

Full Name: MasoomaHussain
Student ID # 11300038
Word Count:
Tutor Name: Demi Chung

Executive Summary 2
JB HI_FI Australia and Habib Bank Limited (HBL) Pakistan 3
Introduction: 3
Analyses under the light of accounting standard: 3
Accounting profession: 3
Accounting Bodies in Pakistan: 4
Accounting Bodies in Australia: 5
Analyses under the light of JB hi-fi Australia: 6
Analyses under the light of Habib Bank LTD Pakistan: 10
Reasons for International accounting differences: 12
Religion: 12
Strategies of JB Hi-fi and Habib Bank ltd: 13
Cultural: 13
Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions: 14
Conclusion: 16
References: 17

Executive Summary

• Admire that before numerous nations embracing IFRS there were various vital contrasts between the accounting strategies and policy received inside different nations , such contrasts are diminishing as nations choose to receive accounting standard discharged by the international accounting standard board.

• Understanding the foundation to activities embraced by the International Accounting Standards boards and other standard setting bodies to execute the reception of a uniform arrangement of accounting standards for around the world know as IFRS.

• Compensation is a deliberate way to deal with giving financial worth and different advantages to workers in return for their work and administration. Be that as it may pay and conditions turns into a more confounded issue for multinational organizations which work crosswise over

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