
Representation of Women in Horror

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Bella Spooner Representation of Women in Horror Films. Since the inventions of television and film, media influences have become extremely important in modern society with people constantly being inundated by images and messages that come from film, television, magazines, internet and advertising. Researchers and theorists such as Carol J. Clover and Jean Kilborne believe that the fact that people are going to be affected by the media is absolutely unavoidable. Films can act as guides to how people, particularly women, should act and look. Women in horror are typically shown as the ‘damsel in distress’ and are usually attacked by the killer after committing a sinful act like having sex or misusing drugs or alcohol. The females are …show more content…

Tatum is killed at the party when she tries to escape the killer by crawling through the cat door in the garage but she can not fit through and is brutally murdered when “Ghost Face” opens the garage door, strangling Tatum and leaving her hanging from the open garage door. In this scene Tatum is wearing a cropped cut top and a short skirt, showing a fair amount of skin. She is also clearly not wearing a bra, as her nipples are extremely prominent. The director had caught the attention of his male audience by using the “male gaze”. The male gaze was introduced by Laura Mulvey in her 1975 essay "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" and is “a feature of gender power asymmetry in film”. Mulvey explained, “Women were objectified in film because heterosexual men were in control of the camera”. The male gaze is when the audience views the scene of object –in this case the woman- from the prospective of a man. This may occur if the camera lingers over a woman’s curves for a while displaying her as an erotic object rather than a human being, making her a victim of sexualisation. The woman is usually unaware of this gaze, which brings patriarchy to the situation. Her essay also explains that the ‘female gaze’ is similar except it is like women looking at themselves through a male’s eyes. This can have a negative effect on real life women because they are being told what they should look like in order to be noticed by men and what men want to see. Feminists

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