
Research: Are Colleges Worth The Price Of Admission

Decent Essays

The university is becoming too business focused and losing grip on what it was originally intended to provide: and education. All universities receive some kind of funding no matter if they are public or private. Oftentimes, funding is critical to the functioning of all universities. Without the funding, the university would falter. Because of this dependence, the funding is dictating where the money is dispersed. Weather it is to new research, tenured professors, or expensive presidents of universities like Hacker and Driefus propose (Hacker and Dreifus. Are Colleges Worth the Price of Admission? par 7, 9, and 10). Or allowing professors to receive private funding to provide new research (Hank and Hearn. Out of the Ruins, The University to …show more content…

Like states before, professors and shifting their focus from students to research they are receiving funding and a paycheck to do. In return they are exploiting their adjuncts making it difficult for everybody except the professor and university. (Hacker and Dreifus. Are Colleges Worth the Price of Admission? par 7, 9, and 10). Rather than giving the university a reason for this like in my third paragraph, Bonewitz and Sully completely agree that this is an injustice. These two source agree than once again the student is taking the back seat because of a paycheck, or cash return. The professor gets to make money of their research, and the university gets to keep money because the can compensate their adjuncts signifincatley less. ( Bonewitz and Sully. Research and the Bottom Line in Today’s University, pg. 84 par 3 and …show more content…

Because the university is becoming more of a business, they want more money coming into the university resulting in making it harder for students to revise harder education. This is because there is less student aid for those who need it, more student workers, and even more student debt. (Hank and Haern “Introduction: Out of the Ruins, the University to Come” ). Finding a way to pay for college has always been somewhat of an obstacle and it seems to only get more difficult. Many people seem to to make their way though it though. What about those who can not even get in? Even today, it is still very difficult for diverse, and lower class individuals to attend college. A big reason for this is because the admissions process is somewhat biased toward them so they do not even have a chance. The individuals often work the hardest to perform well academically, and also to earn income to pay for their schooling, but they do not get to put that to use because of the racial/class profiling. With this being said, if they do get it, they are often force to take whatever degree they can afford. Not all degrees are created equal, A medical degree costs more and takes longer than a a more general degree. Even if they do get this far, there is often little financial aid available to them so not many make it even to the point of obtaining a degree they once strived to

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