
Research Paper On Gum Disease

Decent Essays

Gum disease is a bacterial inflammation of the gum line. There are three stages of gum disease including gingivitis, periodontitis and advanced periodontitis. It may not be immediately obvious that you have gum disease because it can be painless. If you have tender or bleeding gums, receding gums or persistent bad breath you may be developing gum disease.

The mouth is full of bacteria that will gradually form a sticky substance called plaque. Brushing and flossing help remove plaque, but it is not possible to remove it all. The plaque that is not removed turns into a hard substance called tartar that can only be removed with a professional cleaning by a dentist or dental hygienist.

When plaque and tartar are left on the teeth, they begin …show more content…

• Hormonal changes in women can cause gums to be extra sensitive and more susceptible to gingivitis.

• Some treatments for other diseases such as cancer, may negatively affect the gums making them more susceptible to gum disease.

• Any medication that reduces the flow of saliva, can contribute to gum disease.

• Genetics also play a part because some people may be more prone to gum disease than others may.

During a consultation with our specialist, you may be asked about your medical history to find any risk factors or underlying conditions that may contribute to gum disease. Our expert will examine your gums for any sign of gum disease and check to see if any pockets have developed in your gums. The test for pockets is painless. We may take an x-ray to check for bone loss. The first goal is to control the infection.

If you have the beginnings of gingivitis, you may be able to have healthy gums again with regular and proper brushing and flossing as well as regular professional cleanings. If you think you may be developing gum disease, the sooner you get it treated, the less damage will be

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