
Research Paper On Police Brutality

Decent Essays

In the past, police officers were considered to be peacekeepers. However, this has changed and they are now regarded as law enforcement officers. Most officers do their work diligently but their priority is on making quotas as well as arresting innocent people followed by maintaining peace. Police brutality remains to be the biggest challenge facing police agencies in America. Police work is a dangerous job, and police are more than likely to be put into situations when excessive force is needed. Sometimes police use excessive force for their own personal reasons, such as racism. The issue of police officers using excessive force may or may not be of great concern, but it should be looked into by both the police and the public. Police brutality should be addressed. Despite Police brutality is a crime that is has been surfacing in the news recently. Some people are just starting to realize that these injustices against the black community really occur, while others are well aware. However, the injustices towards African Americans, mainly target black males. Some statistics indicate that since many black men do not have fathers around to guide their lives in the right direction, they’ll automatically grow up to be thugs, hoodlums, hooligans, or gangsters. However, the false foreshadowings are just examples of African Americans being racially profiled. If you were able to ask Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner, I’m sure they would have said that black

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