
Research Paper On Tesla

Decent Essays

Innovator or inventor, although many may think these two terms are synonymous, the fact is they are not. Clear in his determination that he was not simply an inventor like his rival Thomas Edison, he considered himself an innovator; he was a man who discovered new concepts and revolutionized old ideas to bring about change. Despite a life full of skepticism from society, Tesla was headstrong and determined to prove to his peers, and even mentors, that he was capable. He relentlessly worked and proved all of those who had doubted him wrong. The wonders of his imagination have come to life and Tesla’s significance to our world is vast and undeniable. During his time, power had yet to be safely and effectively distributed to cities; he brought …show more content…

When you think of radio waves what comes to mind? Do you imagine invisible vibrations traveling through the atmosphere? Maybe you imagine a wireless communication where people can send messages from one place to another. What most people may not imagine, though, is a feud between two men, both of whom have been, at some point in their lives, linked to the birth of radio. Despite Guglielmo Marconi being long attested as the inventor of the radio, “the U.S. Supreme Court voided four of Marconi’s key patents, belatedly acknowledging Tesla’s innovations in radio” ( 2009). In the book The Representation of Science and Scientists on Postage Stamps Christopher B. Yardley notes that “Tesla developed the means to reliably produce radio frequencies, publicly demonstrated the principles of radio, and transmitted long distance signals” (157). With history finally rectifying the injustice to Tesla, the world has started recognizing his achievements in the field of radio transmission. In the Netflix documentary David L Goodstein, Professor of Physics at California Institute of Technology, indicated that “Tesla was the one with the real vision” and “his vision describes the world that we live in” (Tesla: Master of Lightning 2000) Still today people play with radio-controlled motor boats; however, the use of remote control technology is not limited to hobby toys. …show more content…

Upon Tesla’s death, Eleanor Roosevelt stated “The President and I are deeply sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Nikola Tesla. We are grateful for his contribution to science and industry and to this country” (Seifer 444). Numerable amounts of books, movies, and documentaries have since tried to propel Tesla’s life into the public eye so his achievements and contributions can be further recognized. People have sculpted monuments of him and streets, cars, and even rock bands have been named after him all to pay homage to the great man and the legacy he left behind. Although Tesla died a penniless man, he has left behind a legacy of influence and a love for not only science but the great possibility of the unknown. People can look at Tesla and hopefully find inspiration to make their own change in the world. Just like electricity, you cannot see him when you simply look around, however, with his influence permanently manifested in society, his dreams will continue to live on all around us. Take a glimpse around you; that is all it takes to realize that without Tesla’s imagination and ingenuity with wireless communications, remote control technology, and AC motors our world would be

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