
Respiratory Diseases: Emphysema Essay

Decent Essays

The simple act of breathing is often taken for granted. As an automated function sustaining life, most of us do not have to think about the act of breathing. However, for many others, respiratory diseases make this simple act thought consuming. Emphysema is one such disease taking away the ease, but instead inflicting labored breathing and a hope for a cure.
Healthy lung tissue is predominately soft, elastic connective tissue, designed to slide easily over the thorax with each breath. The lungs are covered with visceral pleura which glide fluidly over the parietal pleura of the thoracic cavity thanks to the serous secretion of pleural fluid (Marieb, 2006, p. 430). During inhalation, the lungs expand with air, similar to filling a balloon. …show more content…

Sufferers are required to use energy reserves leaving them quite tired. When emphysema attacks, the respiratory system goes out of homeostasis due the systems inability to efficiently exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, as well as exhausting the energy reserves of the sufferer. A healthy respiratory system refreshes and energizes a body, efficiently pumping in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide without thought or excessive effort.
I have yet to see a benefit from smoking. While it is possible to get emphysema from breathing in environmental or occupational pollutants, smoking seems to be the number one cause. According to, there are over 4,000 chemicals found in both first and secondhand tobacco smoke (Emphysema, 2009). Smoke enters into the lungs breaking down the elastic fibers, wreaking havoc on the entire respiratory system, including the alveoli. Sadly, there is no easy cure. The best first step is to stop smoking or exposure to the causing pollutants. Afterwards, treatment is to manage symptoms, and hopefully slow down progression. Those I know with emphysema are treated with supplemental oxygen tanks to increase oxygen flow, steroids to relieve emphysema related bronchitis, and bronchodilators to open the air passageways. In a best, or worst, case scenario for one individual I know is if her emphysema worsens, but overall health maintains, she may qualify for a lung transplant. Like those elastic

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