
Response To Christopher Columbus's 'The Prince'

Decent Essays

8. The essential premise of The Prince begins with the notion that men are at worst actively evil and at best self-interested. Create a response that either supports this premise or refutes it. Use personal experience to help you construct your argument. Your thesis should explain what you believe is the essential quality of human nature. The premise of The Prince that men are at worst actively evil and at best self-interested has been a debatable issue for many years. Both sides of the argument has been proven to be true in my own life. I have experienced people whom where completely self-centered, one of my very best friends as a teenage proved the fact that men can be actively evil. We had been extremely close friends for ten years when he reached into my wallet and stole my credit card. He did not purchase much, just a pair of boots and some gas, but since he was so self-influenced he did not take the time to simply ask me for the money. I …show more content…

He expressed that the natives were, “incurably timid. It is true that since they have become more assured, and are losing that terror, they are artless and generous with what they have, to such a degree as no one would believe but him who had seen it.”(1923) The people of the island gave Columbus and his men everything they asked for and much more. He nor the men were used to seeing people act in such away. In developed countries good were sold or traded not given away simply because someone asked for it. Europe and the islands produced two completely different types of people. Europeans were more selfish and power hungry, while Americans were focus on the good of the tribe and religion. For that reason Columbus felt that the natives were naïve and could be taken advantage of easily. Which worked in his favor considering he was only concerned with wealth and

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