
Restorative Justice : The Juvenile Justice Perspective Essay

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Restorative Justice: The Juvenile Justice Perspective
The United Nations has said that human rights and juvenile justice should not counteract one another, and restorative justice is the best way to deal with children who behave outside of the law in a way that respects their rights as well as promotes societal justice (Odala, 2012). Restorative justice (RJ) involves many different concepts, but the primary goal is to restore the harm caused by the crime. RJ participants are not limited to those who were directly involved, i.e. the victim and offender. Instead, restorative justice takes a more holistic approach, considering the families of both the victim and offender and the community at large. Restorative justice has widespread benefits that are not limited to adults. It is worthwhile to consider the implications of restorative justice techniques on the juvenile population, both in schools and as an alternative to the criminal justice system.
Restorative Justice Defined Restorative justice takes into consideration many things. Community safety recognizes the right of the community to live in a safe environment, with relative peace, harmony and mutual respect. Accountability emphasizes the importance of the offender being held accountable for their behavior and actions. Competency considers the ability of people to have care and concern for those around them. All of these aspects combine to accomplish restorative justice (DeVore, D., & Gentilcore,

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