
Reuven And Danny Character Analysis

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The novel The Chosen explores many different ideas and topics in depth. The story of the two young Jewish boys Reuven and Danny started in the most unusual of ways and has many ups and downs as their journey as friends continues through high school and college. As their upbringings are drastically different, many issues between them are brought to surface, such as their fathers and their specific religious beliefs and traditions. As the book begins with a severe injury, life, death and sight are explored as Reuven suffers from a wound to his eye. The friendship of Reuven and Danny is tested as their parents strongly believe in different parts of the Jewish religion. The opinion of their fathers has a strong voice in the way they are raised …show more content…

Malter suggested it, and as it had turned out, Danny and Mr. Malter were more familiar with each other than either of them had realized. For several months prior to the baseball game, Danny had run into Reuvan’s father and asked him for book suggestions and they discussed books together. This was just one of the many odd relationships the boys had between them. sense, Mr. Saunders finally explains his choice in raising his son this way and why he thought it was the right thing to do. He believed that his son Danny had no soul; had no feelings and no ability to sympathize with others. Since Reb wanted him to follow in his footsteps, Danny had to be brought up essentially by himself. He couldn’t look to anyone else when he had trouble and when he was in pain, he had to look into himself. This really did shape the man that Danny became. He ultimately grew up without a father, which may have made him a stronger man. Reuven struggled with the fact that his best friend was being raised so differently and in his eyes, so poorly. Since Danny had such high respect for his father despite the silence he received from him, Reuven found it difficult to not intervene in the relationship. He knows how to handle any situation on his own now, whether he has someone there with him or not. Mr. Saunders did apologize to Danny for the way he raised his son, finally realizing the fault in his beliefs. The little relationship that Danny and his father did have growing up was one that Reuven resented as his relationship with his father was quite normal. Mr. Malter helped Reuven with his studies all throughout school, they enjoyed Shabbat together and chatted. So when Reuven was exposed to the silence that Mr. Saunders put Danny through, he was slightly shocked by it. As Reb didn’t explain his intentions until both boys were leaving for college, Reuven was left questioning his silence most of the time he

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