
Revenge In The Cask Of Amontillado

Decent Essays

Revenge can be a primitive justice. Paying someone back for their harmful actions can feel very empowering and make you feel like you have dominance over them. In “The Cask of Amontillado” written by Edgar Allen Poe, Poe creates a mood of suspense and anticipation to accompany his theme of revenge.
First of all, Poe advances his evil and disturbing mood through the setting and character motivation. In the story Fortunato and Montresor walk through the catacombs, stating that, “It’s walls had been lined with human remains, piled to the vault overhead…”(Poe 348). This sentence describes the setting our characters are in and helps give us a creepy vibe that heightens the disturbing mood of the story. In addition to the creepy surroundings, Poe’s characterization of Montresor is disturbing. When Montresor is walling up the niche entrance he hears Fortunato struggling against the chains and stopped his work to listen to him struggle, “ with the more satisfaction…” (Poe 350). Montresor’s reaction to the sound of his friends fear and confusion is unsettling, listening to a close friend in terror would usually unsettle people, but …show more content…

Many times in the story Montresor foretells the end of Fortunato’s life. When Fortunato makes a gesture referring to the masons Montresor makes a joke, saying, “It is this,” I answered, producing a trowel from beneath the folds of my roquelaure.”(Poe 348). The mason he’s referring to are the ones who build with stone or brick, implying the fate of Fortunato. The sounds noted in the story help enhance the despair of the story. When Montresor is barricading Fortunato in the niche, “A succession of loud and shrill screams,” (Poe 351) came suddenly from Fortunato. The screams of alarm coming from the chained up Fortunato helps readers understand how terrified he is. The sounds and irony in this story captivates readers and keeps them thinking after the story is

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