
Reverend Hale Is Wild In The Crucible

Decent Essays

Reverend Hale Is Wild

Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible connects the story with the old Puritan Society. A puritan is a person who follows strict moral rules and who believes that pleasure is always wrong. Since Reverend Hale was motivated by witchcraft, his decision to question people throughout the town creates a remorse feeling on him by the end of the play. Reverend Hale is motivated to question everyone around town about witchcraft because he is an expert at it. In Act II Hale tells Proctor; “It’s said you hold no belief that there may even be witches in the world” (Miller 857). This quote shows how he is trying to get to the bottom of the problem. Reverend Hale thinks he is a spiritual doctor. He thought he was supposed to provide a

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