
Reverend Wright 's Speech Controversy

Decent Essays

In 2003, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, President Barack Obama 's former pastor, gave a sermon that seemingly condemned America. Snippets of the reverend 's speech sparked controversy in 2008 due to the fact that President Obama was still running for the democratic nominee for the Presidential Election. Doubts about Obama began to form due to his association with Wright. Can the country trust a man who associates with a person that hate the country? As a response to the reverend 's statement, Obama gave his speech "A More Perfect Union" to address the controversy, strongly putting Wright 's speech in perspective and settling the controversies about himself. Reverend Wright 's sermon went viral due to the fact he says, "Goddamn America." In the short clips of his sermon, Reverend Wright was riling up the members of his church as he talks about the inequalities African Americans have to face in the country. The statements made in the short clip anger and may even have sparked some fear in people. How dare Wright to have insulted his own country and states that it was in the Bible and did Obama share the same views as his minister? How will these radical views effect Obama 's decision as President if he wins the election? In Obama 's speech, he ultimately disagrees with Reverend Wright 's statements and explains Wright 's background to give some context of the sermon and also reassures the country of his qualifications as a nominee for the Presidential Election. I agree with Obama

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