
Reversal Of Tragedy In Othello

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While the audience condemns Othello for his actions, they pity him for his suffering.
Throughout my study of “Othello”, I have learnt of the many aspects of Othello’s character. He is noble and strong, yet he has many insecurities and is recognised for trusting others too easily. This causes him to obtain the famous title of ‘tragic hero’. According to Greek philosopher Aristotle there are certain characteristics of a tragic hero. These include a noble birth, a tragic flaw that eventually leads to his downfall, a reversal of fortune brought about by the hero’s tragic flaw, his actions results in an increase of self-awareness and the audience must feel pity or fear for the character.
Although Othello is not of noble birth, his nobility is self-made due to his leadership and hard work in the army. He has gained the title of General despite his ethnicity often described as a ‘black ram’ or ‘Moor’. Othello is essentially a good man. From early in the play we learn that he is a …show more content…

While Othello is caught up in extreme jealousy he asks Iago to have Emilia spy on Desdemona “set on thy wife to observe”. Othello never considers a fair investigation or discussion with Desdemona or Cassio. Instead he craves revenge “arise black vengeance from thy hollow hell”. This action is a less noble and a more frivolous emotion. Othello also tests Desdemona’s loyalty “fetch me the handkerchief, my min misgives” instead of openly confronting her. He publicly humiliates her and smacks her declaring she is an “imprudent strumpet”. Othello has already shut his mind to the possibility of Desdemona’s innocence. He never tells her what exactly she has supposedly done, therefore never allowing her the opportunity to prove her innocence. He also orders the murder of his trusted loyal lieutenant Cassio. The audience is seeing another side to Othello which causes them to change their initial opinion of

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