
Review: A Worldwide Smile By Shelby Kohl

Decent Essays

A Worldwide Smile Shelby Kohl. It may be just a name to you, but to me, it’s my universe. She was born on February 25, 2005. Shelby is a kind-hearted girl. She is obviously my best friend, and she will always be there when I’m feeling disconsolate. This young lady is my favorite person because she is always nice to me. (Even when I slap her crush as hard as I could. By the way, apologetic Shelby.) Shelby is one of a kind. Shelby is really kind to all that she sees. She helps others on their homework when they don’t understand it. Shelby will do everything to let people into her little friendship circle. She gives everyone a second chance at being her friend even if they are rude. Shelby always and forever will listen

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