
Review Of Uncle Tom's Cabin, By Harriet Beecher Stowe

Decent Essays

The original written work “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” w as written in 1852 (1, Harriet Beecher Stowe Center: Uncle Tom’s Cabin) by Harriet Beecher Stowe on the unspeakable atrocities suffered by the African (slave) population due to the monstrosity known as slavery. The novel called upon the public to pressure the government to deliver on promises of freedom, equality, and basic human rights systematically provided to the white population and forbidden to the black population.
The first installment of “ Uncle Tom’s Cabin”( 2, Harriet Beecher Stowe Center: Uncle Tom’s Cabin) was published in an anti­slavery publication called “ The National Era”( 3) on June 5th, 1851, before its release Stowe scoured published freedom narratives and journals in search of first­hand accounts of slavery that would later influence the composition of her novel and in turn incite the movement for freedom on an international level. Stowe’s novel exists as persisting example of the ignorance and s u p r e m a c y b e g e t u p o n t h e b l a c k p u b l i c u n d e r a w h i t e r e g i m e . “ U n c l e T o m ’ s C a b i n ” ’ s entire basis was …show more content…

Harriet Beecher Stowe’s outlook on equality was that Anglo­Saxons and blacks (Africans) retained a different destiny but deserved personal freedoms and she largely based the concepts of her novel on preconceived stereotypes. John Gay lived the life of a privileged white man determined to get to the roots of the original publication but continued to aggrandize the fallacies already present in the novel. The film completely ignored the established and widely relationship between slave and slave owner, which was one of cruelty and characterized being sold to a “good” slave owner as lucking out when in reality the entire institution of slavery in any format was a moral

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