
Review of Psychiatry - A Social Stigma! By Dr. Harsha Gopisetty

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Review of Psychiatry - A Social Stigma! By Dr. Harsha Gopisetty

News paper headlines stating ‘Death of 25 mentally-ill patients, charred beyond recognition, in a devastating fire which engulfed their thatched hostel, pathetically chained to their cots in Ervadi Mental Hospital in Tamil Nadu' and on the other extreme 'States like Haryana do not have a mental hospital' is very revealing of the neglected state of approach to the mentally ill in India. One wonders! Why it is so? When all other sciences have made such great advances in India , Psychiatry has made virtually no headway, and is in a very nascent state.

The first Department of Psychiatry with outpatient facility in a general hospital in India was opened on …show more content…

''Mental Health Disorders" need to be de-stigmatized, and the general public need to be educated about the facts and treatment option that are available and made to understand that 90% of the victims are re-habitable as expressed by Dr. Leland M Heller in 'Biological Unhappiness'.

It is worthwhile gaining a little insight into what mental illness really is about. This will enlighten us considerably and change our present attitude to the real needy persons in our society. Strictly speaking no individual is absolutely normal. Everyone has a fad and is abnormal to the other who does not agree to the fad. Fads can become extreme in some persons mostly due to environmental considerations, and very little due to genetic causes.

Mental illness is a disease that causes mild to severe disturbances in thinking, perception and behavior. If these disturbances significantly impair a person's ability to cope with life's ordinary demands and routines, he or she should immediately seek proper treatment with a mental health professional, just as one would approach any other specialist for treatment like to the Physician, Eye specialist, Dentist, ENT specialist, Heart specialist, etc.

With the proper timely care and treatment, a person can recover and resume normal activities. Many mental illnesses are

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