
Revised Research Argument Essay

Good Essays

Elizabeth Jeziorny
Prof. Donohue
14 June, 2012
Final/Revised Researched Argument Essay

(thesis) The media is a culture force that can not be avoided and gives us information on a vast variety of topics. It influences what we think, the way we act and helps us choose our purchases. The media not only provides us with the information, but it decides which information is important. What we see on television and the internet or what we hear on the radio is all chosen by the media. Media gives us the data that forms our opinions. It has taken away a lot of our individual qualities and so that we are much like sheep trying to imitate the media suggestions and losing our individuality and creativity. Advertising is a conspicuous …show more content…

Even if they do show something which could be dangerous to a child's well-being, it is the responsibility of the parent to make sure they don't watch it! Look around us today, what do you see? Technology being thrown at you from all kinds of places. For one the media has brought technology to another level. But if you really look at the whole picture technology is media and they interact with each other. We are swamped by media and technology. We have no control over it, and don't know what to believe about technology anymore. Children are growing up faster than normal and in the future who knows what will happen to innocence that children usually had. When you remember that being happy and feeling good is your number one priority, you will find it much easier when you seek out positive media influences. In the article Affects of Media on Society, it states “In the last 50 years the media influence has grown rapidly with the technology.” It started with all the ways information was relayed to us by mail, telegraph and new computer technology. We need to give it some credit because it has taken great steps in advancements in the medical field and other forms of technology. The internet has made many things in our life much simpler at work, at home and in education. We need to give it some credit because it has taken great steps in advancements in the medical field and other forms of technology. The

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