
Rhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream By Dr. Martin Luther King

Decent Essays

Charles Evans Hughes once said “When we lose the right to be different, we lose the right to be free.” and he could not more correct in this situation. In 1963, almost every school was segregated, every storefront, every restaurant, even so far has every water fountain, the entire country was divided into two parts: White and Black. In Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech, “I Have a Dream” he motivated Americans to break the system of segregation by using hidden figurative languages such as metaphors, repetition, and allusions. King uses a lot of metaphors throughout his speech to convey his stance on civil rights. King first uses the pair of metaphors “heat of injustice” and “oasis of freedom”. By pairing these metaphors, King allows the audience to see that African-Americans are struggling and can be saved if all of America acts now. The next metaphor King uses is “table of brotherhood” Using this metaphor, King shows that peace can be easily achieved, even by something as simple as accepting each other’s culture and thriving to together as one. …show more content…

He keeps repeating,”I have a dream that one day,” almost 4 times. By repeating this sentence, King shows the audience that his hopes and wishes are plentiful and serious and that they will come true. The next phrase the author repeats is, “I have a dream today” and while it may seem the same as the last, it has a very interesting and important part. Repeating this sentence answers the other repetitional phrase before it, allowing the speech to soon come to a close knowing that the dream this

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