
Rhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream By Martin Luther King Jr.

Decent Essays

“I Have A Dream” is a speech written by Martin Luther King Jr.. King was a leader of the Civil Rights Movement during the 1950s and 60s. He spread messages of peace, equality, and justice to anyone that would listen. He believed that words hold more power than weapons.For centuries people have debates the disorpensies of the power if the pen compared to the power of the sword. Many have wonder if King would have had the success he did if he had resorted to violence. The speech was to be read at the Lincoln Memorial after the March on Washington. He wanted people to listen to the speech and know that there would be change. The speech tackled many subjects that were problems at the time. The speech was about how he had envisioned America in …show more content…

In the speech King compares freedom to autumn. He says that black people’s discontent will not end until there is “invigorating autumn of freedom”, which means that when they finally get their freedom it will be refreshing like the season of autumn is. Then he compares autumn to an oasis. He says the he has a dream that even the most racist state came overcome its oppression to have freedom. “I have a dream that one even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice”(King 5). King wants people to know that if they can get through all of the pain and suffering, they can go through life knowing that they survived the worst. In the beginning of the speech, King compares black people’s freedom to a promissory note. He says that the founding fathers wrote them a promissory note that could not be cashed. “It is obvious that America has defaulted on this promissory not insofar as her citizens of color are concerned”(King 1). He used this metaphor because at the time everyone used checks and they knew how it felt to have something promised to you but not being able to get. People of color were promed the same freedom that white people had but they never got it because of the …show more content…

Martin Luther King Jr. is an inspiring speech filled with allusions, repetition, and metaphors that has been used used for people to have hope in a nation that seems like it will never prosper due to the inequality, division, and suppression that is embedded into its foundation. The idea of a nation being completely free had been talked about for centuries but it has never actually need accomplished. This is because no matter how hard someone tries to make everyone equal, it will actually happen. Someone will always been seen as as superior or inferior to someone else. In today’s society people are often have labels put on them. They are labeled by their gender, race, sexuality, and religion. People try to fight theses labels with peaceful protest to prove that we are all equal but not much actually ever happens. People also protest violently which causes others to forget the problem at hand. Dr. King was a man that believed in nonviolent protests. He thought that using you words rather than your fists was the key to creating change. Maybe one day that will actually happen, but as of now, things don't seem to be changing for the better. They actually seem to be getting

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