
Rhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther King's I Have A Dream

Decent Essays

The rhetoric art had passed a long path of the development, from ancient philosophers of Greece and Rome to the modern linguistics, philosophy, and science. The modern rhetoric art includes a variety of tools for persuasion and inspiration of the listeners. At the same time, it is useful to understand which elements of rhetoric bring the best positive result from the points of motivation and persuasion. In this paper, the famous “I have a dream” speech of Martin Luther King is analyzed as an example of the successful realization of the main rhetoric principles.
I Have a Dream
“I have a dream” speech of Martin Luther King is a perfect example of the rhetoric appeal to their supporters and the entire nation of America, aimed at highlighting one of the most important problems of the time - racial inequality. This speech had achieved the strongest support from the different social classes in the country due to the right structure of the text, and the effective use of the main rhetoric tools of persuasion. To understand the main aspects that increased the influence of the speech, and guaranteed the political success of Martin Luther King, it is important to analyze the text from the point of the rhetoric art.
Though the main target of the rhetoric art is to persuade the listeners to support the position and main ideas of the …show more content…

The second part of the speech was oriented on the presentation of the positive perspectives that should be reached in the process of the political fight for the equal racial rights. This segment of the speech was also combined with the description of the current issues in this sphere to reach the maximum emotional glow. In this way, the description of King’s dream about the future served as the most important element of inspiration and motivation for the listeners and persuaded them of the necessity for the permanent political

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