
Rhetorical Analysis Of Poverty Of Equality '

Decent Essays

When people think about poverty and equality, people visualize individuals living in rough situations, while equality are rights given to the people. The article of “What is Poverty,” Jo Goodwin Parker provides personal experience on how poverty is affecting her life as well as her children. On the other hand, in the article “The Poverty of Equality,” Stephen Moore and Peter Ferrara are providing points of injustice in equality, like people cannot use their advantages to succeed, every person is fully and truly equal, and the devalue personal liberty. Although both articles portray the argument of poverty, Jo Goodwin Parker provides the difficulty in confronting poverty because this article makes the reader stand on her own shoes and see the …show more content…

Jo Goodwin Parker as a single mother made many sacrifices to bring forward her children, like not having enough money to feed her children, battle when she has a sick child, and does special favors to pay back the neighbor from taking her to the hospital. In addition, Jo Goodwin Parker children suffered from worms, chronic anemia, and other diseases from poor diet and low income to purchase medicine. It is difficult for a person who suffers from poverty live a healthy lifestyle if they are a single parent and are unemployed. The rhetorical appeal is Pathos, one example from Parker is “Listen without Pity, I cannot use your Pity” (1). This statement expresses the idea that feeling pity to someone will not even help a little, therefore, the reader listens politely to hear her say help from reading this article. Poverty not only affects the individuals in terms of health, but also affects them mentally because poverty contributes discrimination from others, by their social …show more content…

On the article of “What is Poverty,” Jo Goodwin Parker is making the reader see poverty by her own eyes, by providing personal experiences on how she managed to hold her head high for herself and her children. On “The Poverty of Equality,” the author’s make various statements on how poverty is affecting the individuals, therefore, equality should be done in other terms to help the people for the better. In the article of “What is Poverty,” the author persuades the readers more because personal experiences make people stand on shoes of others, and makes the individuals see the world of others in a way that was never thought

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