
Rhetorical Analysis Of President George Bush's 9 / 11 Speech

Decent Essays

President Bush, shares his view on the matter throughout this speech. Bush’s purpose is to try and help Americans not panic during such a terrifying situation that has changed American history. Since Bush understands what Americans or people in general the world must be feeling, he is able to address the matter in a calm and collected way. In “Bush’s 9/11 speech,” the author, President George Bush, uses various rhetorical devices to reinforce his position on the 9/11 attack. Bush then used the rhetorical device antithesis. He started off talking about the American way of life and that day itself. The sentence started with the American citizens, and talked about their freedom and their way of life, the sentence then ended with “a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts” (Bush 1). This quote probably relates to the morning of the attack, when Americans were probably going about their normal day in New York, then all of a sudden the attack happened and change people’s lives forever. Bush then explained that the victims “were in airplanes or in their offices--secretaries, businessmen and women, military and federal workers. Moms and dads. Friends and neighbors” (Bush 1). They were friends, family members, and they were mostly all Americans and they did not deserve this. Bush addressed the emotions of every American who were affected due to the events of the 9/11 attacks in these four sentences. Bush addressing this was pretty important because, these mixed feelings were on everyone’s minds. In Bush’s speech he talks about 9/11 and he uses some rhetorical devices like ethos to help contribute to the author’s understanding. “these acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat” (Bush 1). This statement had described the sorrowful moments that not only Americans but the whole world had faced that day. Bush then decided to make this article not so depressing so he changed the tone from negative to positive. The paragraph that had the first quote concluded with another that the American “country is strong. A great people has been moved to defend a great nation” (Bush 1). This sentence helped reassure the people that even through tough times we will get through it together

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