
Rhetorical Analysis Of You Are Not Special

Decent Essays

Elizabeth Story 3-17-24 Mrs. Konrad Honors English Two Rhetorical Paper David McCullough’s speech You Are Not Special delivers the message that an individual should only do things because they love them, not for praise or achievement by applying the rhetorical devices lists and compare and contrast. Throughout his speech, McCullough utilizes lists to emphasize his message. Towards the start of his speech, he states, “And your ceremonial costume. shapeless, uniform, one-size-fits-all. Whether male or female, tall or short, scholar or slacker, spray-tanned prom queen or intergalactic Xbox assassin, each of you is dressed, you’ll notice, exactly the same” (1). McCullough uses this list to invoke a sense of uniformity, that even while there are …show more content…

Not only this, but choosing to list out so many differences in a consecutive way pushes the audience to reflect upon their uniformity rather than if it had just been one brief example. Also, because the audience is made up of mostly graduating high school students, they may feel proud to have accomplished this or may brag about which college they are going to attend. However, by using this list which points out their sameness, it causes the audience to rethink their ego, and because placing this at the beginning of the speech, sets up McCullough to later deliver his main message. At the end of his speech, McCullough uses another list and states, “The point is the same: get busy, have at it. Don't wait for inspiration or passion to find you! Get up, get out, explore, find yourself, and grab hold with both hands” (3). McCullough utilizes this list to build a sense of encouragement, to take charge of one's own life and pursue their passions. The quick listing of encouragements appeals to the audience's emotions and encourages them to feel a new sense of purpose and determination, leaning into the use of pathos by McCullough. In addition, he

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