
Rhetorical Devices In Still I Rise

Decent Essays

In many pieces of writing, the speaker must create many subtle ways to introduce the deeper meaning of a text to the reader. Most use rhetorical devices, which is an art and study that uses language effectively and persuasively to get a point across. In “Still I Rise”, by Maya Angelou, the speaker is telling a tale of a woman, who has continued to overcome the many obstacles in front of her. Maya Angelou is an African American poem who as a civil rights activist, has been put through many tests to determine her strength. Although the speaker has a sarcastic response towards the people who look down on the speaker, the narrator describes her strength to always survive and a person’s ability to overcome hurt and criticism. With the use of subtle rhetoric devices, the speaker is able to use sarcasm to express her disdain for the people that try to her interrupt her success. The poet is describing a time in her life when people have criticised her for being herself. For instance, she says, "Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you …show more content…

The speaker sheds light to the truth to success while also using sarcasm to show the seriousness of the issue. By saying that “I dance like I’ve got diamonds at the meeting of my thighs” (28-29), imagery is used to show a seen of her dancing without a care in the world. This adds an amusing and carefree effect because of her self-confidence, she is patronizing those who tell her she is does not equate to them. Within this one verse, the speaker talks of the criticism she receives about her body, then goes on to say that she will continue to have fun and flaunt her confidence. In these example of her being carefree, one can learn from this is that “[we] are the dream and the hope of the slave”(40-41). By spreading the message that even if she is destroyed, she will continue to rise, she is giving all her readers

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