
Rhode Island Research Paper

Decent Essays

Rhode Island

America is filled with 50 amazing states, and each state has features that make it special.
Rhode island is the smallest state in the whole country! It may be small but it has different ways to make it big. Rhode Island has many nicknames such as; The Ocean State, The Plantation State, and Little Rhody. This tiny little state also has many crops and George M. Cohan was born in Rhode Island, he wrote the songs I’m a “Yankee Doodle Dandy” and “You're a Grand Old Flag.” Some of the most diverse facts about Rhode Island is included in its culture, geography, and history.

Rhode Island is very unique and different than the other states. When most people think of Rhode Island they think of the smallest state …show more content…

Covering over half the mainland of Rhode Island, the coastal lowland takes up the entire coast of New England. The area is known for it’s low slopes and big forests. Rhode Island has over 370 mountain ranges. The highest point in the mountains is Jerimoth Hill, the second highest is Whites Hill, and finally Pine Hill. This special state has more than 1,200 farms. The average size of a beautiful farm in Rhode Island is 56 acres. Little Rhody is a very humid state. It’s normally warm and rainy in the summer, and cold winters. The highest temperature recorded in Rhode Island was 104 degrees fahrenheit on August 2, 1975. The coldest temperature was on February 5, 1996 it was - 25 degrees fahrenheit. Both of these temperatures were recorded in Providence, Rhode Island. Rhode Island’s beautiful geographical features show the true beauty of this little …show more content…

The first circus in the United States was built in 1774 at Newport, Rhode Island. Rhode Island was the last of the 13 colonies to become a state. In 1524, an Italian explorer named Giovanni da Verranzo saw a triangle in the shape of an island in the Atlantic Ocean. He thought the small island looked like Rhode’s, this is an island and it is part of Greece. The only nuclear explosion that has ever happened in the U.S.A out of a controlled environment was in Wood River, Rhode Island, It was 1964 a worker at a united nuclear corporation accidentally put in too much uranium solution in the tank. This resulted in a huge explosion, also his death. Rhode Island is rich with history, full of beautiful geographical features, and it maybe small but it’s different than the

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