
Richard Dahl 's Decision On Genetically Modified Organisms

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Landon Dunshee Writing assignment 29 November 2016 According to Richard Dahl who wrote To Label or Not to Label: California Prepares to Vote on Genetically Engineered. “It is estimated that 60-70% of the crops that are on grocery store shelves are GMO crops. Which that being said, corn and soy beans make up the largest majority of the GMO crops in stores”(Dahl1). Mrs Dupont’s article, GMO corn, soybeans dominate the US Market, says that 60-70 percent of processed foods are genetically altered.(Dupont1). Which is a staggeringly low number of people being aware of what is on the store shelves that they shop at. If most people are not aware that that genetically modified foods are in the stores, why do so many people feel that they need to be carefully regulated? Genetically Modified Organisms shouldn’t be regulated. But what exactly does it mean to regulate an item? Well, Webster Dictionary stated that regulated means to make rules or laws that dictate or control something. (Webster1). Meaning that to regulate GMO’s, the government will step in to monitor and or to regulate the use of the seeds or feed which are genetically modified. The Government does not need to regulate GMO’s when they produce higher yields when compared to that of organic crops, no true health issues have been linked to the consumption of GMO’s, lastly genetically modified foods are easier to produce and maintain due to the modified properties of the plant. Genetically modified organisms, when

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