
Richard II Close Reading

Decent Essays

Richard II Close Reading Richard II is one of Shakespeare’s most popular history plays. It features elements of comedy, tragedy, history, and betrayal. In act four scene two King Richard says “With mine own tears I wash away my balm, With mine own hands I give away my crown, With mine own tongue deny my sacred state, With mine own breath release all duty's rites”. This particular passage, King Richard is speaking aloud about giving up his crown and throne to Bolingbrook. The symbolic meaning behind certain words within this passage generate this tone of relief, satisfaction, and alleviation. In the first line of this passage King Richard says “With mine own tears I wash away my balm”. This is saying that he cries in relief of turning over the throne. Tears have always been a way to relieve internal issues. Shakespeare used these words in this particular soliloquy to express the release of the internal stress King Richard was facing as King. King Richard proceeds to say “With mine own hands I give away my crown”. Hands are symbolically used to express charity or giving to others. This is important to this idea of alleviation because he is taking the stress of being king and putting it on Bolingbrook. Next, King Richard says “With mine own tongue deny my sacred state”. He is saying that is his now announcing his role as king. Saying that he is using his tongue is saying that he is reassuring the people of the …show more content…

Tears are to release internal stress which is a relief. Hands are used to give, which in this case is to alleviate the stress and hand it off to the next successor. Tongue is used to make things known publicly and announce things which is reassuring the public of King Richard’s decision. Lastly, breath is a used as a way to express release and with release comes

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