
Richard Wagner 's Work As A Conductor

Decent Essays

Richard Wagner Biography Richard Wagner was born May 22, 1813 in Leipzig, Germany. Richard Wagner was many things, including a composer, theatre director, polemicist, and a conductor. Wagner was born as one of nine children of his father Carl Friedrich Wagner. Carl was a clerk in the police service and died 6 months after Wagner was born. His step-father was an actor and a playwright who had a big influence on Wagner and his style of music. After his step-father died, he was sent to boarding school where he spent some time as a playwright who was influenced by Shakespeare and Goethe. Later Wagner enrolled in Leipzig University. Wagner moved to Magdeburg where he worked as a musical director in an opera house. Following this he moved to Riga and fled debts he owed. After bouncing around he finally moved to Paris in 1839. Then moving back to Germany in 1942 where he wrote new operas and worked as a conductor, but also did work as a revolutionary which was the reason for him having to leave Germany. Wagner settled in Zurich, Switzerland. For the first five years of his stay in Switzerland he focused on writing essays, after that he focused on writing new pieces of art that he called dramas. Wagner then moved to Venice continuing his trend of moving around. Wagner later moved back to Paris in 1859 to watch over a revision of the opera Tannhauser. With his exile being lifted in 1862, Wagner moved to Biebrich, Germany. Up until that point in 1862 Wagner had many financial

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